
Interflora Voucher Codes

Interflora is one of the UK´s leading online florists. At Interflora we offer premium quality flowers, gifts and service. Our expert florists individually design every floral gift and personally hand deliver the freshest flowers and gifts direct to your chosen destination in the UK and worldwide. There are gifts for all to enjoy and to suit every occasion. So whether it’s a special birthday, a time to send roses such as an anniversary or to celebrate success, a wedding, a birth or new home, sending flowers is the perfect way to show you care. So think Thank you, think Happy Birthday, think Happy Anniversary, whatever the occasion…..Think Interflora… the flower experts!

Save Money with these Interflora voucher codes:

Voucher CodeOfferExpiresLink
offer14810% off. Minimum product value of £25.00 applies, excludes Overseas and Value range orders.31/10/2009Visit site
autumn234Spoil someone special with a floral gift from our stunning Autumn range and as a special treat weíll include an indulgent 100g box of luxury chocolates worth £4.99 absolutely free!14/11/2009Visit site
autumn789Surprise someone special with a flower or plant gift from our new Autumn range and get a bottle of wine worth £9.99 delivered free* with your order.14/11/2009Visit site

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